Question: 1 / 335

What is not an example of different types of a security reports

Occurrence report

Health report

In the context of a security guard's duties, a health report is not an example of a type of security report. Security reports typically document incidents, daily activities, and any particulars observed during a security guard's shift that need to be recorded and communicated. An Occurrence report is used to document any significant incidents that occur during a shift. This could range from reports of theft, disturbances, fire, etc. A Daily Activity report documents the routine activities conducted by the security guard during their shift. A Daily Log report, like a Daily Activity report, records the day-to-day tasks performed by the guard but may also include any abnormalities or significant events. A Health report, on the other hand, is typically prepared by healthcare professionals to document a person's health conditions and medical history. While a security guard could report health-related incidents (like accidents or illnesses observed at their post), they don't typically create "health reports" as a part of their standard duties. Therefore, a "Health report" is not considered a type of security report in the context of Security Guard roles.

Daily activity report

Daily log report


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